I was driving through a neighborhood and stumbled upon a house with not only an Obama sign but also a McCain banner as well. I'm happy that they each are voting for who they think will do best, but I think this couple is about to begin a 4 year-long "I told you so..." debate.
They each are taking a stance, and that's what's important. In the words of T.I., it's America - you can vote however you like.
This is such a cool video. Yeah, vote for whomever you like, but VOTE!!!
I love these kids. I saw them on Good Morning America about 20 minutes ago.
Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day!
TOTALLY cute....REPRESENT...there from the ATL
So this has nothing to do with your blog post but I just notice that you read Pioneer Woman! I swear no one has heard of her blog around her and its pretty much my favorite...have you tried her recipes?!?! Because that's pretty much the only way Seth gets fed...also, her From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels is hands down the best love story I have ever read!
Wow, that was long...sorry, I get so excited...
And T.I. is the greatest rapper alive and self-proclaimed King of the South so its good you are listening to what he's saying.
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