Friday, February 13, 2009

The Great Generation Gap

I have the most fun with my major. Really, I do. One of my classes, Teaching Elementary Children P.E., has a lab each Friday where we participate in physical activities catered to children. This means I'm encouraged to act like a child. It's no wonder why I enjoy grad school.
One particular morning we learned how to teach and demonstrate different types of traveling. The professor would yell a verb such as jumping, running, skipping, crawling, etc and as a class, we traveled around the gym for 20 or 30 seconds.
"Gallop like a horse."
I began to 'gallop'. To complete the demonstration, I cupped my hands and clapped to imitate hoof sounds.
The undergrads just stared at me.
Oh come on! Just because you were born in 1990 shouldn't mean you don't get a Monty Python reference!
Never mind.
Come back and I'll taunt you again. Yeah, that's right! I'm talking to you! Icky icky icky pikang zoop boing. You heard me!
P.S. I decided Friday the 13th had to be the luckiest day to start blogging again.


Shankar said...

How fast were you travelling? At the speed of a European swallow or that of an African swallow? You have to know these things when you're a king, you know?

Shankar said...

PS: Welcome back. The same week that I returned.

Anonymous said...

You WIN for you galloping skills! If I didn't know you and I was in that class, you would be my new best friend.

Kids these days. When I found out my sister hadn't seen Holy Grail we watched it immediately. And now she gets heated when people don't get her references to it!

Beth said...

Welcome back!
And I would have galloped right along with you - with cupped and clapping hands!

Coordination Queen said...

I don't think I would have been able to gallop along side you, I would have been laughing too hard. Even though *gulp* I've never watched any Monty Pythons... can we still be friends?

Amber said...

Yeah, you're back to blogging! I was just talking about your blog last night and how much I missed it....thanks for coming back!

ps. I was actually talking about it at bunco....and was really sad you weren't there last night. Maybe next month.....

Charlotta-love said...

Shankar: I was going the speed of 3. That is the number after 2 and not 4. It is the number 3. And that was the speed I galloped.

Girlfriend: Your sister is lucky to have you!

Beth: Good. We'll start our own club called the She-Knights of the Round Table!

Queen: We can still be friends. Only for a little bit though.

Julia Gulia said...

i don't get it, but i've never seen monty python either...

Wallace Clan said...

Yeah...even I know what it is...gosh! Oh wait I have a nerd for a husband and wasn't introduced until we met!

Patience said...

Hey! You're back! Missed ya!

Bone said...

Um it seems like this might be your birthday. Today is Michael Jordan's birthday. And I seem to remember you claiming to share a birthday with him.

Therefore, if this is your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Charlotta-love said...

Julia made my point.

Wallaces: Nerds for husbands can be a great thing!

Patience: I am! I love blogging too much to stay away forever.

Bone: Good memory! Either that or you are a Michael Jordan stalker, er, um, fan.

Anonymous said...

You forgot the coconuts, no wonder they didn't know what you were doing.

Anonymous said...

I was born in '91 and I even know Monty Python. The undergrads must have had terrible childhoods.