Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I think I'm the luckiest sister in the world. I don't just have one or two sisters but I have three of the most gorgeous sisters in the world. We like to keep things in balance. In fact, we have a good 3 to 1 trend most of the time.

1 lives in Texas; 3 live in Georgia.

3 wear corrective lenses of some sort; 1 has perfect vision.

1 is a teenager; 3 have graduated to the 20s or 30s.

3 are in relationships; 1 is single.

1 is a tomboy; 3 are various stages of girly girls.

3 own cars; 1 just got her license.

3 were ready for this picture; 1 was caught off guard.
1 will probably die tonight when another sister realizes this picture was posted.


Shankar said...

We can extend it further:

3 are friends with me on Facebook, 1 is not.

Shankar said...

Wait, there's more!

1 has never spoken to me, 3 have done so via Google Talk.

Lauren said...

That's awesome that you are so close with them. And you're right, you are all gorgeous.

Presley family said...

Oh, look at you all!!!! Your sisters are grown up... and so beautiful!!!!! Oh, I love it!!!

Unknown said...

charlotte... you are so gosh darn pretty. notice i didn't write 'purty' cuz then you would think i was joking. but i'm not. i like your hair and your bangs. and i like you too. i wonder if i will ever see you in person again....?

Beth said...

Having sisters is a blessing.
I consider my two sisters as best friends.

Jared and Katy said...

That (1) sister didn't look excited to take either picture...tell her to step out of her bad mood!

Coordination Queen said...

Sisters are the best... especially 3 of them.

Lisa Johnson said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe how grown up the girls look! WOW! And you hair is ADORABLE by the way! Are you the one that isn't in a relationship, or are you trying to tell us that you are in a relationship??? :)

Charlotta-love said...

Shankar: Google Talk sure makes the world smaller doesn't it.

Lauren: I consider them all best friends. I'm lucky.

Presley Family: It's been a LONG time since you saw us. What? 1995 maybe?

Rachel: Of COURSE you are welcome to visit me in Georgia. But...and this is a secret...I want to visit my brother some time this year. He's at least in your same state. I'll let you know when I come. :o)

Beth: That's fantastic!

Katy: Well, we interrupted a movie. oops.

Queen: I agree!

Lisa: yeah, NO. It's me that's the single one. Sigh.

davis said...

4 girls is the best! how did i not know we shared this commonality? i probably did at one point...

anyways... you and your sisters are so darling, and you look amazing! i love your hair.

char we are so close... we should meet in the middle for lunch one day. :)

Charlotta-love said...

Davis: Lunch sounds fun. Jacksonville?

Julia Gulia said...


Janette just got her license??? Really???

Bailey said...

Sister are the greatest. I too have 3 sisters and after thinking about it a little we have a lot of 3:1 ratios too. Except I am always the 1.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm confused.
so she got her license

Charlotta-love said...

JGulia and IB Positive: I have since learned that Johnny Cherie does NOT have a license even though she is old enough. So, uh, yeah...

Bailey: I'm 'the one' in a few of these...unfortunately.

Charis said...

Charlotte - I just love the way you write and I love your updates! You are too creative. What fun you must have having so many sisters, especially because you are all relatively close in age. You have a great family!

michelle said...

3 of us have dark hair, 1 has blond.
3 of us are naturally blond, 1 has naturally dark hair.
3 of us are happy to be taking the pic..1 is not...