Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Take Another One Just In Case

Thanks to a friend who sold me a ticket for face value, I was able to attend the football game this past weekend. I wanted pictures to document the occasion so I asked Little Boy Blue to take one.
"Well, that's nice but you cut off the top of my head. Take another one but get my whole face this time."
" got my head but I don't need the rest of the hallway and bedroom in the shot. This is better but take another picture and this time zoom in a bit."
"Okay, I know I said zoom in but I didn't mean like this. Take another picture but, see this area I'm outlining with my fingers, that's what needs to be in the picture."
"Thank you. It's sideways but it will work."
Little Boy Blue is smart. He knew exactly what he was doing each time. I think he just likes my camera.
Oh! and can you believe this is another post regarding sports?! This won't be routine - trust me.


Shankar said...

Glad you have your priorities straight, even in grad school. Ring the bell!

Rhett said...

How's the bandwagon? Did you hurt yourself climbing on?

Bone said...

This is exactly why I always take my own self-portraits.

Sure, you usually get a bit of the right arm extended in the shot, but people get used to it.

Amie said...

Smart brother. You're becoming quite the Georgia gal. You look good.

Laura Lee said...

Seriously, I think it would be interesting for someone to tag every blog post that had the word "football" in it these past two weeks.

I kind of love it. Even though I don't really like football.

Beth said...

You look so cute in every one of those pictures. Must be nice to have your own personal photographer!

Melissa and Dave said...

I think he did it on purpose. Now he can add all of the different poses to his portfolio!

Unknown said...

hey have you seen that commercial with that insurance girl asking everyone she sees, "sooo, $250 deductible or $500?" "$250? $500?" ..... so i think she looks like you, except with long wavy strawberry blonde hair.

Anna Winn and Family said...

And in every single picture you look great!! That's pretty awesome. He needs to take some of me now.

Charles said...

Except for not having a "Y" on your shirt, you are beautiful. Especially in the last one.