Saturday, December 9, 2006

Silver Bells Updated

Tis the season to listen to Christmas music non-stop. None of the songs apply to my life though. For instance, who really roasts chestnuts on an open fire or goes dashing through the snow? In keeping up with the times, I have decided to rewrite some classics that can actually apply to my life. It seemed appropriate to start with my all time favorite Christmas carol: Silver Bells. Feel free to break out in song and spread the updated love!

City sidewalks? Who has sidewalks?
Dressed in holiday style?
All I see are those blowups of Santa,
Moving reindeer, blinking windows,
Wreaths that sing when you pass,
And at every store entrance you hear...

Salvation bells, Salvation bells
It's Christmas time here at Kroger
Ring-a-line, hear them ring
Soon they will have enough change.


Anonymous said...

nice song but as you know publix is so much better then kroger.


Anonymous said...

Cute song. Thanks for putting that tune in my head!

Anonymous said...

haha. brilliant.

Anonymous said...

You are such a nutter, Charlotte! Just like I remember!

bec said...

you should really submit that to someone. Maybe Weird Al would record it for you.

Shankar said...

When we went carolliing this past Christmas in the Middle Eastern country that I haunt these days, for some reason someone in our group kept starting us off with "Dashing through the snow...." Um, what snow?!