Friday, September 14, 2007

The (wo)Man In Black

Okay, this is the last post from my Nashville adventure. I know. I know. It's about time! Let's begin.

Downtown Nashville is home to the infamous bar "Tootsies". Legend says that Johnny Cash, before he made it big, would come here for a beer each year ~ hey, that rhymes. Someone should make that into a country song. Something like... "There's a tear in my beer cause I'm crying for you, dear..." It's already been done? Oh, never mind then. Anyway, like I was saying, legend continues that each year on his birthday, Johnny Cash would wander over to Tootsies and get a beer. I have yet to verify this and all calls made to Mr. Cash have not been returned. What?! He died? wonder he never answered. Okay, quit interrupting and let me finish. Anyway, I wanted my picture taken outside the bar just to prove I'd walked the block Johnny Cash had. Since I was walking straight, I "walked the line". Get it? Ahhhahaha.

Again I digress.

I found a nice lady to take my picture.

* Click

"Do you want another one just in case?"
Yes, please.

I must have heard wrong.

Apparently she said, "Do you want another three just in case?"

Thanks Ma'am.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.


the MILKY way (Chrissy) said...

Awesome! Now go to Paris, Texas, and walk where you once walked. Now THAT's blog-worthy.

Charlotta-love said...

Chrissy: oh...good idea. I'm thinking maybe October. For a high school reunion. ...yeah, that's sounds fun! (By the way, I'm planning to visit you when I come!)

Craze: well, I would love to be at the beach like your picture suggests. *sigh

TUG said...

So, are you saying that you had a beer at Tootsies?

Charlotta-love said...

I'm saying Johnny Cash had a beer. I don't drink. Alcohol that is.

Em said...

Is this the beginning of a series of posts...places Johnny Cash visited? :)

robkroese said...

I think she was a bit enamored of you.

Joel B. said...

Wish I'd have kept up with your adventures, and I would have had you visit the Home Offices of Crummy Church Signs, Inc. (as we are located in Nashville, TN) time.

Bone said...

I think what would have been good is if there had been a couple more pictures. One of you coming towards the camera with an angry look on your face. And maybe another of just the sky.

Did you go inside? Tootsie's has always been jam-packed the few times I've been there.

Jocelyn said...

You KNOW you're working on your next country hit right now.

I posted photos on my blog/
My face emerged from the fog/
and then I got into my pick-up/
and hit a dog...

You're better at that than I!

Sincerity said...

That is very cool Charlotta! I'm a music teacher so any stuff music related gets me really excited! You must have had a blast!

bethanyr32 said...

Hey Charlotta, I was reading your blog the other day with my 2 year old on my lap, so I scrolled down to let her see all the pictures. She said you're pretty. Thought I'd pass the compliment on!

Sorting Through The Pieces said...

Nash-vegas! Love it!

My husband actually got kicked out of Tootsies once. Oh, Yes. That is a story for another time.

Anonymous said...

charlotte i cannot believe u would joke so lightly about johnny cash! of course he, the whole world moarned when he passed away...its comparative to when the kennedys died, or ...princess diana. he was a legend!!!

and those last lines emplify elvis, not johnny.

Anonymous said...

haha..oh yeah, and the photographer sounds like mom

Shankar said...

Was the third photo taken when you weren't expecting it? Ironic, because that's the one I like best.