With a table full of pies, that's amore...
There is a family here that celebrates Pie Day. ...oh you've never heard of it? It's the day before Thanksgiving... you know, just in case you choke on your turkey or something and die without dessert, pie day insures you reach your maximum sugar intake prior to Thursday's meal. Pie Day is serious stuff though. In fact, it's a full course meal.
I started with a quesadilla. It's round (like a pie), cut into wedges (like a pie), and full of protein (um, like a pie).
I moved onto pumpkin pie. Pumpkin is a vegetable. I started with a quesadilla. It's round (like a pie), cut into wedges (like a pie), and full of protein (um, like a pie).
USDA recommends 2-3 servings of fruit so I took a piece of apple pie, one of blackberry, one of lemon...
Pecan pie was next. Pecans are nuts...more protein.
Of course, you have to have cheesecake. Cheese ~ that covers my dairy.
USDA also suggests 6-12 servings of whole grains. Flour makes the crust. I was on the low end with only 6 grain portions. I better have a slice of banana to get more crust.
And for dessert, I had chocolate pie.
All in all, pie night was a complete success. And I've never enjoyed being healthy quite so much!
That's my kind of healthy! I hope I get invited to Pie Night one day, or perhaps I should just have my own.
You are so health conscious - I commend you!
Each one of those pies looks delicious. I would have made myself sick.
Wow, that's serious stuff. I couldn't even begin to calculate the value of all that pie! But do have a vague idea how much bigger my butt would be if I ate it.
What a yummy selection of pies - Looks like Thanksgiving was wonderful at your house :-)
Charolotte, I found you from you comment on Jakes blog. I hope you don't mind me reading your blog. I like your posts! You're very creative! We'll have to meet up for lunch sometime.
OH man... I could use some of that pie. I'm hungry.
Charlotte: I like being healthy. :o)
Simon: thanks for the links
Bret: So, I can have more pies in March!
Beth: You know what helps you when you are sick? Pies!
Mojo: Value? Priceless. Oh, and calories don't count if you are eating at someone else house. I think I heard that somewhere. :o)
Charis: That was just the day BEFORE thanksgiving!
Bonny: Thanks for stopping by. :o)
Queen: We still have two pies left actually. :o)
I am either very full or very hungry after reading that. There's no pie on hand, so I'll have to settle for ice cream.
PS: Which of the pies did you make?
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