Fool me once, shame on you...
A young man once came to the office where I work. His face was so badly beaten that one eye was swollen shut. He told me he was out of gas money and had resorted to selling his possessions so he could get home. He pulled a gold watch from his pocket and said I could have it for $5. The watch was hideous. I told him I didn't want the watch but would give him two dollars. He took my money and turned. Before he could leave, a cop entered the office. I watched this man get frisked, handcuffed, and taken to the back seat of the police car. The officer came back to tell me that the young man had robbed a woman earlier that morning and was selling her items to make money. I thanked him for coming (obviously) and went on with my day. My money was never returned but I consider $2 a small price for a life lesson.
Fool me twice, shame on me...
A week later a guy came to the office. His car had run out of gas up the road and did I have a couple of bucks he could have? I pointed across the road to a gas station. "Sir, just last week I gave some cash to a guy - said he needed gas money - he happened to have a warrant out for his arrest. I don't give cash out anymore but I'll make you a deal. Get your car to the gas station across the road and I'll put in $10 worth of gas." He complained that his car was up the road and wouldn't make it to the gas station. "Sir, you are asking for my money. You need to meet me halfway - which is that gas station across the road." He left and I never saw him again.
Open mouth, insert foot...
Sometime last year I was sitting in my car in a parking lot. I heard a tap-tap on my window. I looked and a woman was standing next to my door. I rolled down the window. She explained that her car was out of gas and she needed to get home. I checked my rear view mirror. I wondered if I had a sign on my head telling people to ask me for money. Again, I pointed across the street. "Ma'am, I won't give you cash but I'll meet you over at that gas station and put $10 worth of fuel in your car." She smiled and thanked me. I watched her get into her car and drive to the gas station.
So I put in a few gallons.
Karma? I'm getting low on fuel. Can you loan me $10?
What? So you got one out of three right. History suggests that whatever you do next time around, you will get it right.
I had two different guys ask me for gas money to get to their mother/mother-law's house up in Park City within one week. Odd part both of these incidents happened at Trolley Square. I think the gas money bit is in the pan handlers handbook.
Great story. We've all been hit up and all we can do is learn from life lessons.
BTW where is that gas station? Could you help me out, I need some gas...
Well maybe thats a compliment...that you have a very caring and giving face :/ I don't know what to tell you, but atleast you know some cool moves if anyone tries to harm you (hince our "self defense" class) :) :)
only once have i ever said yes... but they were also sitting in the gas station parking lot...
I have the same sign on my head - and I'm still learning how to be careful!
And, for sure, I'd lend you $10.00!
Dont worry, we've all been taken for that ride. Myself included.
My first year in college, I was kind of cornered into giving a man a "ride to work." Ended up taking $25 from me. That was like two weeks worth of lunch at Taco Bell for a poor college student.
What the?! First of all...where do you work that you get these types of people walking in off the street?? Kind of scary. And so crazy that you've had all these people asking specifically for gas money lately. YOu really MUST have a sign on your head. You've gotta stop driving around the Mercedes and looking so rich :)
You're certainly nicer than I am. :)
I can't believe some people. And it's sad that the lowlifes of the world teach us to be untrusting. Karma definately owes you.
I wonder if that lady who asked you for gas was the same lady I took to Wendy's...and Kroger's...and the beer store...and to the bus station....I do see her around on broad street
What type of office are you in? Geez, we're lucky if we even get the people that work here to come in, let a lone strangers!!! LOL!
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