Thursday, November 20, 2008

Are Your Eyes Watering or Is It Just Me?

I'm still amazed that people can't spell my name.

I was downtown running some errands one day and decided to get a bite to eat. I placed my order and gave my name to the cashier.

I sat and waited. Looked around at the other customers. Watched some television.

And heard my name butchered over the intercom.

“Sure-la? Cher? Shauna?”

I turned and clarified, “Charlotte?”

“Oh, yeah. That’s what this says.”

I got my food and looked at the receipt.


As in the onion?

Hi. My name is Shalot. Don't come too close. I'll make you cry.


Rhett said...

You know if you say it with a southern accent it is "shalot". Ha ha.

Even a spider knows how to spell your name.

Unknown said...

Oh, you have got to be kidding me. But I'm not really that surprised.

Anonymous said...

Or else you are that tragic mistress of the Tennyson poem "Lady of Shalot." Or is it Shalott?

Shankar said...

I'm more disappointed at the mild sauce.

Natalie said...

Oh that explains my uncontrollable tears last night during yoga. Seriously, I am not sure if you noticed :)

Melissa said...

It's like that You Tube video "Charlie bit my finger." He kind of says it like "chaleee."

AC said...

This is something I can definitely relate to! I don't give my real name anymore for that reason. Apparently a hyphenated (for those who actually know what a hyphen is--you'd be surprised) name is just too much for people to handle. I'm with you.

Jocelyn said...

You can try to blame it on others, but clearly you have one helluva strong accent.

I can empathize with your name plight. Just call me Jawslin.

bec said...

so funny

Julia Gulia said...

Haha, you left this in the scanner at work & Michele asked me what I had been scanning. I told her I had NEVER seen this before in my life, and that maybe it was yours b/c of the "Shalot." She wasn't so sure, but now this is really funny now that I know where it came from, Shalot.

Coordination Queen said...

I can just hear that southern accent rolling off your tongue... so funny!

Jared and Katy said...


Bone said...

Yeah, I was gonna say if you have the whole Southern Belle accent going on, then that might be understandable.

Well, I do declayuh, Miss Shahlot.

Also, if that is your accent, please feel free to do an audio post.

Johnny 5 said...

Hey Charlotta, I just discovered your blog. I ended reading way to much, and it's 1:55 in the am and I am in the middle of writing final papers. Be happy to know you played a part in that timeless art of procrastination. Anyway, found you through Jon's blog. Mine's It's your garden variety family blog. Good luck with Grad school.

Charlotta-love said...

Rhett: You would know. Your name is the epitome of Southern. :o)

DD: It was some UGA student taking my order. Need I say more? Oh wait, I'm a UGA student...

Amanda Mae: I'm not the mistress...that I'm aware of at least.

Shankar: I admit, the mild was like watered down ketchup.

Natalie: I did not notice. Were you crying? lol

Melissa: I love that video.

A-C: Notice I used a hyphen. :o)

Jocelyn: I have never wondered how to say your name.

Bec: :o) Thanks

JG: As I was scanning that, I made a mental note to remember the receipt. Oops.

Queen: YOU have the accent honey chile!

Katie: Yes please. :o)

Bone: Much to your displeasure, I do not have a southern accent. No audio posts in the future.

John: HI!!! and glad to be some distraction to your homework. I'm gonna stop by your blog soon.

shauna said...

Thank you for at least spelling "Shauna" right as you shared the details of this story. I always get called Donna...I hate it! I feel your pain Charlotte!

Charlotta-love said...

Donna: er, Shauna. I once knew a girl that spelled her name 'Seana'. She always had people calling her the wrong name.

Celine said...

Trust me, I know how you feel! People can never spell my name right either! :)

shauna said...

Charlotte - was Seana from Texas? I met a girl who spelled it like that when I was down in Texas. I'm wondering if it is a Texas thing...
I'm thinking that one would be even more annoying than Shauna with a W.

Charlotta-love said...

Salen: I'll always spell your name correctly. :o)

Shauna: Actually she was in Utah.

Anonymous said...

Shalom, Shalot

bethanyr32 said...

You'd be surprised at the number of people who can't spell Bethany either, or even understand what I'm saying when I tell them my name. Half the time I just give up when they ask if my name is Stephanie, Brittany, or Tiffany, and go with that.