Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Christmas Poem

Twas the week before Christmas;
Lists ran through my head,
Of tasks not yet finished.
My heart filled with dread.

There were stockings to stuff,
And presents to buy,
Cookies to bake,
And ribbons to tie.

Parties yet to attend,
Christmas cards not addressed,
Everything must be perfect;
I was rather obsessed.

When what to my open inbox did appear?
Yet another email wishing me holiday cheer.

Bah Humbug! I'm busy!
No time for your fun.
Contact me next week,
By then I'll be done.

My time is all scheduled.
I've no time to stop.
I must stay focused,
Or all plans will flop.

No phone calls,
No emails,
No letters,
No eating.

No carols,
No blogging,
No Facebook,
No reading.

To the store, then home, and back to the mall.
Dash this way, dash that way, dash away all.

The store clerk said 'Thank you'
And gave me a smile.
I began to feel...festive.
Boy, that took awhile!

Christmas was coming
And I'd nearly missed it!
I'd been too busy rushing
To stop and enjoy it.

The family and friends
With which I'd been blessed,
Had true Christmas spirit
While I sat and stressed.

I had fresh perspective;
A new Christmas goal:
I'd be friendly and nice -
Earn no stocking coal.

It's people like you
That I hold so dear.
You're a present to me
As Christmas comes near.

So to all of my friends,
In cyber space or near,
Merry Christmas to all,
And a Happy New Year!


Em said...

Merry Christmas to you, as well.

Shankar said...

Seriously. Quit school and start writing. I'm thinking LBB is going to be the envy of all come Christmas Day with his present.

PS: Merry Christmas.

Krista said...

Charlotte! Did you just come up with that!!! I'm printing this and putting it in this year's Christmas scrapbook. I am on the EXACT same page, far too busy to enjoy the season.... you're amazing. Don't worry, I'll give you all the credit you ever need... in my scrapbook.

Bone said...

It seems like it is flying by faster than ever this year. Maybe it seems like that every year. I still haven't decorated my tree, or quite finished with shopping, or started wrapping.

Merry Christmas.

Stephanie said...

Clever as always. Merry Christmas!

Coordination Queen said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Weren't you a rec major? Doesn't that mean you specialize in fun? ;)

Lisa Johnson said...

Your poems are always so creative! You have a real talent for that! :D

Beth said...

And a Merry Christmas to you!
Great poem - glad you found your Christmas spirit.

Lauren said...

well written. i remember a christmas you sent several years ago that was in "poem" format about things you had done that year. It was fun to read just like this one. You have a talent for rhyming. You should think about rapping. I'd buy your CD.

Melissa and Dave said...

You should be a writer! I would buy your book. you are a very clever lady.

Jared and Katy said...

YAY Merry Christmas to you too! (did you write that?, cuase it's amazing)

Anonymous said...

Love the poem! Hope the chaos calms down for you!

Julia Gulia said...

Tears in my eyes. Right now!!!