Friday, September 7, 2007

The Pops that Rocks

Yesterday marked another birthday for my pops. Happy Birthday P2!
Although he's known life without me, I've never known life without him and for this, I'm grateful. He is the type of man that teaches by example and when necessary, uses words.

A fond memory I have is watching Star Trek with him. I know, I know, we were dorks. What makes me even sillier is that anytime my dad called from work and I happened to answer, I would give the phone to Mama Mia and say, "It's Captain Picard - for you." Oh yes, I am that dork.

Growing up, people would tell me I looked like P2.


...I did have similar eyebrows before I discovered tweezers. Is that what they were referring to?
Hmm...maybe we are related. P2! Are those your fingers making bunny ears? Seriously, some people! I would never do that. *ahem.

P2, the past 28 years of my life have been great with you as my dad. Here's to at least 28 more birthdays to come! Love ya!


the MILKY way (Chrissy) said...

Yeah, you look sorta like your dad. I love those pictures! You're right, your pop rocks!

ME said...

Great pics! Happy Birthday P2!!

Charlotte said...

He looks like a darling. Happy Birthday, Charlotta's Dad!

TUG said...

Ummmm - you DO look like your dad.

The End

Coordination Queen said...

Happy Birthday Charlotta's Dad! And I agree with Thomcarter, you do look like your dad. :)

thethinker said...

Haha, great pictures!

Happy Birthday to him!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, charlotta's dad!! those are pictures of awesome.

Em said...

What a great tribute!

And just so you know, I just passed along a blogger award to you on my blog. Enjoy! You totally deserve it.

Anonymous said...

ahahahahahahahah charlotte u do look like dad!!!! lol actually i saw christian in the first pic, julia in the first pic he had on w/glasses, and dean in the last one..and only when u said u looked like him did i see the resemblence. maybe im adopted, i didnt see myself in any..

and dad has had the same hairstyle since he 5!!!!! ahahaha

Staci said...

WOW, you look a LOT like your dad! Imagine that!

Anonymous said...

lets take dad for a makeover so he can get anew hairdo. although, i think his hair naturaly grows that way now. have you ever felt it? it doesn't move at all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlotte, my sister just told me to read your blog. It makes for some great reading. Especially when I need a laugh. But I must say, the best memory I have of you is when Doug and I (mostly Doug) gave you spoon fulls of peanut butter when your mom was out of the room. We didn't give you anything to drink either. I guess that is what cousins are tease and laugh at you. You are great. By the way, I see a lot of Doug in your dad. And a lot of your dad in my mom!

Shankar said...

First photo with the glasses: he looks like a young Harold B. Lee. Where was he in the last photo?