Monday, November 26, 2007

Green with Envy

Black Friday: I think it's appropriated named actually since the sky is still black when the shopping frenzy starts. I actually didn't go this year. P2 and I attempted to purchase a laptop last year. We left the house around 4:30 and headed to the store opening at 5. The line not only wrapped around the front of the store, but also around the corner, and around another corner, and to the edge of the parking lot, and into a neighboring parking lot, and then some...


We obviously had never ventured out into the Black Friday craze.

This year I went shopping on Wednesday. It was a little windy and dark ~ would that make it Gray Wednesday? Anyway, I had one item on my list: a camera. I decided it was time to get with the rest of the digital world and discard my antique. I told the associate what features interested me and my budget. He found the perfect camera and took time to explain the bells and whistles. I was thrilled. I wanted to purchase the camera right then and there...but that's now how Gray Wednesday works. I asked the sales rep if he could give me a better deal on Friday. He explained that he would match any competitors ad and I made a mental note to scour the electronic ads the following day for any camera sales. I then asked him to put the camera in the back with my name on it and that I'd be back on Friday.

Friday I woke up, enjoyed my morning, put in three hours of work ~ construction doesn't stop just because the rest of the world is shopping ~ then headed to the store around noon. All I had to do was ask for my camera and hand over a piece of plastic that represents my financial worth.

5 minutes. That's how I shop on Black Friday.

Oh, check this out: in fiddling with the camera for two days straight and already going through one set of batteries (I really have fiddled a lot), I found this cool feature where the camera takes a black and white photo but leaves in a color I specify. I realize this is a common Photoshop technique and old to some of you but I couldn't resist taking some pictures.

This was a quick painting I did a few years ago when I started filling my fish tank. I painted what I wanted and posted it near the tank.
I got frogs instead.

If you look closely, you can see my green eyes. Obviously the color pops out to me but I've been looking at my eyes for 20-something years. You may have to squint to see it. :o)

Bamboo is supposed to be good luck. Wish me luck with this new camera.

(I promise, the pictures will get better!)


RED MOJO said...

Hmmmm, No one else has commented yet, so it might be me, but although I trust you when you say your eyes are green, it doesn't seem obvious in the picture. sorry.

Charlotta-love said...

Mojo: It is obvious to me...but it's my eyes. I changed my wording a bit. :o)

Melissa and Dave said...

I went to Kohls on Friday around noon and the line was out the door. I found what I wanted and went to the customer service counter-which had no line- and bought my items. It was great!

Beth said...

Brilliant shopping techniques.
Those pictures are great - I'm going to check my camera and see if it has that feature.

ME said...

Have fun with your new camera!! I love mine and I'm still trying to figure out how all the gadgets work on it!

RED MOJO said...

Okay, I see the green in the other two pics, but for some reason the one of your eyes just comes to me in black and white. I see the feature working and it's pretty cool! Can't wait to see more.

Coordination Queen said...

I love getting new cameras! And I don't think I've ever had the craziness to get up and go shopping that early in the morning. bleh.

Jake said...

Congratulations on your new camera. Looks like you'll get some good pictures, but I don't remember seeing the ones you talked about... Something about focus practice... =)

gokiburijin said...

looks like we have a new photo bug.

Bone said...

Wow, now that's a closeup. It reminds me of that scene in Blair Witch Project where the girl who curses all the time turns the camera on herself. Oh wait, that wasn't a scene, that was half the movie.

Shankar said...

You beat me to the digital camera fad by a month. So, what did you get? And what did you have before?

Shankar said...

I'm looking closely. Veeerrrry closely. I'm falling asleep. Ok, they are green, if you insist. I still say they look grey in your graduation photo.