Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Julia Gulia received a class assignment to have a family member write her obituary. I’m not sure why she asked me given my ability to be serious for, oh, about 2.68 seconds. I was limited to just a few lines and by the requirement that all information be factual.

This is what she turned in:

My sister, known as Julia~Gulia to family and friends, has left this world to be with her Creator. J~G was a woman of many words and frequently exceeded her daily quota of chatter*. She read the dictionary for fun and always had the perfect way to describe any situation. Although not one for reading maps, she has found her way home. Julia~Gulia is survived by her 2 parents, 5 siblings, 27 purses, and 38 pairs of shoes.

She informed me that no other classmate died so fashionably.

Coincidentally, I was searching through some pictures and came across a tombstone I saw in Charleston last year. Seems the author of the tombstone had a real eye for detail.

He was born about 1675, came to Carolina before 1706, and married, about 1707, Sarah, daughter of Captain John Croft and Katherine Childermass. He was buried near this spot 2nd September 1727.

I can only hope my legacy is less ambiguous.

*Julia~Gulia, I miss your ya!


Amber said...

With your mad obituary writing skills, you should definitely attend this....the 10th Great Obituary Writers' International Conference
" From Here t o Eternity!"
June 12-14, 2008 in Little Las Vegas, New Mexico.(

You can go and still make it back for YW camp!

Beth said...

Perhaps a tad morbid to be contemplating this, but I hope someone with your sense of humour writes my obituary!

gokiburijin said... are looking to be contracted out for obituary writing?

ME said...

Love the humor in the obit! That's quite the headstone there.

Shankar said...

2.68 seconds? You're growing positively contemplative in your declining years.

RED MOJO said...

I think 2.68 seconds is a wild exaggeration!

Anonymous said...

hahaa! i love it!

Mary Mitchell said...

I think that tombstone has more concrete information about his wife than about him. Maybe she wrote it.

Charlotta-love said...

Amber: Las Vegas...New Mexico. Unless it's Nevada, I'll pass.

Beth: I'm not for hire. I like your blog too much to let you go.

Brett: I'm considering my options.

Craze: Go to Charleston and the tombstones get more unique around each corner.

Shankar & Mojo: I know...I'll work on being less serious.

Couthiewoods: thanks for stopping by!

Sarah: I think the whole tombstone is concrete. Get it? haha. Okay, signing off now.

Coordination Queen said...

That is a wonderful legacy to leave behind... all those shoes and purses...

Vivian Love said...

I love the headstone pic you posted. One of my favorite epitaphs: "See, I told you I was sick!"

Have a good weekend! Vivian Love