A few weeks ago Johnny Cherie and I were talking in my room when she suddenly got quiet and whispered, "Kill it! Kill it!" I looked and saw a little teeny tiny spider in the corner. I took care of our friend and teased Johnny for being so afraid. It's just a little bug!
Johnny likes to think that the roles were reversed yesterday. I admit, a high pitched yelp escaped my mouth each time our little gecko friend jetted across my bedroom floor but I wasn't scared. I was merely trying to help the little guy find the door leading outside. If he would have followed my not-scared yelp, we all would have been happier.
For your viewing pleasure, Little Boy Blue, Johnny Cherie, and me attempting to save Mr. Gecko. Disclaimer: the video is sideways. Also, I did not realize my attempts to help Mr. Gecko would sound so similar to a scared school girl. I assure you, I was in control of my emotions the entire time. Repeat: I was not afraid. I was not afraid. I was not afraid.
Continued viewing pleasure: Me allowing Little Boy Blue to be the hero. I would have caught our friend myself but I believe in sharing opportunities with my younger siblings. Little Boy Blue has never caught a gecko before and I wanted him to have a chance. I've like, sooo been there done that.
Mr. Gecko, I really enjoy your commercials but next time just pick up the phone. A 15 minute phone call could save us all.
What a wonderful opportunity for some quality family time. Great videos.
And I do believe you were not afraid. (Really. Truly. Despite your screams.)
Congrats to Little Boy Blue.
HA HA. Awesome.
How great is that!!?? I'm glad he decided to visit you and not me!
Very Funny videos. Thanks for sharing that!
You're so brave! I'd have been nervous, and scared.
see had you stop writing in your blog we would not get hilarious posts like this. i think im changing how i would spend the $20 to getting you a pet lizzard since you enjoy them so much. haha
Robbie Gibb, could you give it to me? I asked to keep "Geiko" and I named it Robbie Gim Yismo. It could be my b-day present.(Don't tell my parents, no pets allowed inside.) (If you win.)
haha love these videos charlotte! they made me laugh and miss you. great dress by the way...
Great blog and story!
I love it, "I'm not afraid...AHHH!" That gave me a good laugh. I know how you feel though, about a month I found a squirrel running around my mom's house. It was not fun.
I think it's hilarious that you insisted on using the pseudonyms you've created for your blog in the videos, and that your sister(?) kept forgetting and almost saying the real names. That killed me.
And after all that fuss, he didn't even offer to lower your rates? Typical of how the insurance industry works.
We lived in Micronesia after we got married and the only pest control they have there is gecko's. You learn to live with them, and you love them too. I was happy to see gecko's sunning themselves in the windowsills because that mean the ginormous roaches and spiders were not making it past the window. Gotta weigh the pros and cons of each =).
Wow, g's hair is long...well for her anyway.
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