Today is October 31st and we all know what that means: it's my first blogiversary!
Oh yeah, and it's Halloween, too. I really like Halloween...or more accurately, I really like dressing up and I have a difficult time avoiding candy. I figure any holiday that combines costumes and sugar has to be pretty cool. I've been a pumpkin, Little Red Riding Hood, a fairy, a ghost, and a hippy in years past. (You'll just have to trust me on those since I don't have scan-able evidence.)
Post high school - yes I still dress up...I believe 'growing up' is a conscious decision I haven't made yet - I've gone as...
A housewife. You would not believe how soft my face was when I washed off that mask!
*snort, a nerd
A 70's star
A band geek. Oh wait...that's from high school. How did that picture get in the costume pile?
A Gothic punk
Um, and someone with a boa
As I mentioned, today is my one year blogiversary. I could hope and wish each of you might send me a gift but that's highly unlikely. ...which is why I've decided to hold a contest and give one of you a prize. A $20 gift certificate to the store of your liking! $20 could buy the turkey for your thanksgiving dinner, the stamps for your Christmas letters, or one sock from Neiman Marcus. You just need to submit a caption for the following picture by next Tuesday evening.
"Caption Me!"
Presenting ... Cruella De'Vil. Seems I got a little mixed up with the wrong Disney movie this past weekend. Here I am at a tea party with the Mad Hatter. Put on your thinking cap, sorcerer hat, golf hat, baseball cap, or night cap and submit those creative captions. My favorite wins the $20, or all my left over candy...whichever they choose.
Happy, happy Halloween! I too love H'ween, but rarely dress up. I do have a scary black mask that sometimes I wear, but usually, I'm scary enough.
Happy Halloween! You look great in all your costumes. Well, okay, the band thing is a tad geeky. LOL
Beauty and the Beast
Boston Tea Party for Two
"You have to hold it just right to get the maximum amount of crack smoke out of the pipe."
Wait, I think I did the wrong picture.
Halloween is a great way to be self expressive. Love the costumes! I'll have to think about a caption.
White furr. HA. I'll follow that and it will lead me to the rest...............................
Wait a minute........."
Well I don't drink tea but I will take a drink of tall, big hatted, and curly locked over there...
"Hurry up and take the picture so we can stuff this guy back in the hat before the magician comes back!"
Hatter: How is a digital camera like 101 dalmatian puppies?
Cruella: I don't know! Do you know where those dang puppies are? Where are the puppies? And how are they like a digital camera?
Hatter: I haven't the slightest idea. But smile for that camera and let's go celebrate my half-birthday.
Oh have to be one of the funniest people I know?? I use that word loosely-we were in the same ward in Provo while living at Liberty Square but we never really got to know eachother Melissa (baker) Feldman..I am friends with Kassie Bunting and I saw your blog through her blog. Thank you for some much needed laughter!
I recoginze Debbie Harry as Cruella, but why was Al Franken tapped to be the Mad Hatter?
Nice Halloween costumes, thanks for stopping by and leaving a mark...
I am one day late. I missed out the party!
Happy Belated Blogiversary!
"At the final tribal council, the members of the jury realized they had to award a million dollars to either a bitch or a lunatic. They went with the bitch, knowing that, at the very least, she'd spend it on good shoes."
Happy versary! Loved seeing the pictures - good costumes!
I love all your costumes, very cool! Jared especially liked the gothic one, he said that was the best because it looked very realistic...anyways happy late halloween!
In her constant search for those dogs, Cruella accidentally stepped into the rabbit hole. In Wonderland, she met up with the Mad Hatter. They fell in love, and together overthrew the Queen of Hearts.
101 Big Hats and Big Hair
Cruella thinking:
How many puppies fit in that hat?
Mad Hatter thinking:
Even I'm not mad enough for hair like that, although it gives me an idea.
I don't think that couple could ever afford a baby-sitting guessing what their kids could turn out like.
Cruella and the Hat relinquishing their thirst at an unusual Halloween celebration, fitting with the pair.
Flapper = Boa. Of course! (That was 22 Across in the International Herald Tribune's crossword on Wednesday.)
The Nerd: Absolutely first rate. You should have won a prize.
The Goth: Props for getting a Cure t-shirt. Nice touch.
1970s: You ladies are much more stylish than I remember people from that hideous decade.
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