First there was Wonder Woman. Some of the guys wondered why I had a female super hero as my background. I got tired of explaining the story and changed my picture...
to my Family
During my GRE cram month, I had inspirational math problems
But now I enjoy various cartoons.
What's on your background?
Ummmm . . . here's a surprise, baseball stuff!
Right now I have so much crap on my desktop that if I did have a background you wouldn't be able to see it!
My kids.. I just changed it not that long ago from some random dog. It was a cute dog though.. Who wants an ugly dog on their desktop?
My engagement photo, I usually switch between the kids, but I found this one and I like it.
my little boy Jackson. He is covered in green goo from a fruit roll up gone wrong.
Basic blue. Anything else gets too distracting. I save all my good stuff for my screen savers.
Right now it's fall foliage. I change it depending on mood and time of year. I love the math problems, math is my best subject too. The cartoons are great too! Thanks for the laugh.
A picture of the mountains looking south from the intersection of I-15 and Parkway in Orem. I took it while I was waiting at a red light. You know the one. I had time to get the right lighting, the right level, adjust my location by the slightest bit. Oh wait, that is all lights in Utah County.
I LOVE that "Find X" question!
Wish I'd had the nerve to put that answer on an old math test.
a sunset picture from the beach in Washington. I love the ocean.
Well girlfriend. No one can top this... well, maybe, but not in my opinion... so about weekly my background changes with the newest and coolest concept cars out there. And I have a master Photoshop file so I can have the image exactly the right pixel size for my computer. So right now, I have a picture of the BMW CS. Its super pimp, you should do a Google image search. My work computer is a double screen and I have this super tight picture of the front end of a beamer centered exactly. It's cool. I can provide image links if needed for anyone who wants to make their desktop cool too, like me. So now that I won baby girl, what do I get?
I like the basic black one most of the time, because, paradoxically, I find it very clean. Although for some time, soon after I moved to the desert, I had the tropical island know, the one with plenty of water.
On my work computer is a photo I took of the street lights in the Villaggio mall. That's because there is some centralised setting for computer properties, and I can't set it back to the default wallpaper.
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