While I waited to be a human pin cushion, I noticed an advertisement poster for Botox on the wall. The pictures showed a before and after picture of two individuals who'd had injections. The after pictures showed full, plump, smiling faces. The before showed the sad, wrinkled state the faces had once been.

Wait a minute...
Is it just me or does the before picture look like the model simply scrunched up his/her forehead by scowling?

That forehead wrinkle seems so familiar... as if I've seen it before... but where?
Oh yes, now I know!
Introducing needle-less botox: Are you nervous to visit a doctor? Do needles make you cringe? Try new 'Zam-Tox. Even the biggest skeptic will find 'Zam-Tox straightforward. Simply enroll in a local college, attend class, and wait. Results may take a few weeks but are guaranteed by the first exam. See for yourself.
Before an exam: 
After an exam: 
"I've used 'Zam-Tox for two semesters and the results are visible to all. Thank you 'Zam-Tox. If I knew I could be wrinkle free, I'd have gone back to school years ago!"
'Zam-Tox: The Smart Botox
I'm convinced!
I'm going back to university to get my Master's Degree. (I may even have to go for a PhD.)
I love how the do the same thing with weight loss products. The first picture has the girl with a sad face standing in an unflattering position with bad complexion. The next picture shows her standing partially sideways with a broad smile and a great tan.
hi friend….
nice & attractive blog…
keep going…
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http://neeraj4frnz.blogspot.com/ :grin: :) :yes: :lol: :thumbsup:
Warning: Symptoms may persist until the final exam.
PS: Does waxing affect results? ;-)
I'm confused. Is it 'Xam-Tox or 'Zam-Tox and does it work if you are a TA or does the reverse happen?
You crack me up! Where do you find all these great ideas? You're so stinkin' creative! :)
How about the commercials where the people have an excessively hard time using everyday appliances but then voila! the item they are selling fixes the problem with the greatest of ease and of course, no mess.
Too funny!
no sh*t it is so scary to go back to scool once you are past your "prime"
You are funny. congrats on being almost done with school.
Ok, so you've solved the issue for the outside of my forehead. But if I go back to school, how can I replace some of the brain cells on the inside?
Fun post!
you were right it was hiarious.
Lol!! Good one!
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