Friday, May 9, 2008

Celebrate Good Times, Come On

Today is a day to celebrate. Sure it's Friday but it's also my 200th post which means I accomplished one of my New Year Resolutions!

Truth be told, this post almost didn't happen. Shortly after my 1 year blogiversary I got bored with my blog. Writing wasn't fun and I felt no motivation to keep it going. I decided I would continue posting until the new year then call it quits. It was during this period that you, that's right, you made a difference. I saw that people were actually interesting in my random thoughts; more readers started commenting; the blog became a hobby again.

Thank you to each reader!

And now to celebrate...Although this blog is a collection of my random thoughts, I want to know more about you. I want to know where you would spend a $20.00 gift card. Oh, did I mention I was giving away 200 dimes to help celebrate? Well, I am ~ in the form of a gift card. Twenty dollars. It's like a stimulus check except it's not $300, I don't care if you filed your taxes last year, and you don't have to be a US citizen. Twenty dollars. That's almost 3 gallons of gas. That's a night at the movies for two. That's 20 items from McDonald's $1 menu. It's a pair of socks on clearance at Abercrombie.

Okay, so $20 isn't much anymore but I'm still curious where you would spend it. Leave your store of choice in the comments. (One entry per person). Next Friday I'll pick a winner using Lurkers, now is the time to shine...that means you Mama Mia.


Mama Mia said...

First of all, congratulations on all your blogging. You have brought a lot of fun to many others, reaching out in new friendships and even beyond the U.S. That's terrific. Now, as to what I would do with $20.00? I could get lost at Borders, or Michael's, or even the fabric shop, or enjoy lunch with you at a fun one of a kind restaurant downtown... all would be fun. I think that since May is my "special" month, I would probably use it towards a trip to the High Museum in Atlanta and have fond memories of a birthday gift from my favorite 29 year old daughter.

Bailey said...

Charlotte! Yay for blogs is right! It's like one big PMG reunion! And let's be honest I would probably spend $20 dollars at Babies R Us because as you pointed out yes I have a daughter and that daughter always has to look cute! I'm excited to keep up with your blog.

Travis Butterfield said...

ah charlotte. I'm so glad you didn't stop blogging. Reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day. You're so adorable. I'm serial. And, as long as you're giving away free money, you might as well make it in the form of an iTunes gift card.

ME said...

Congrats on your 200th post!! I'm glad you decided to keep at it, I enjoy reading. Hmm.. let's see, where would I spend a $20 gift card? Probably at a greenhouse, I've been wanting some new flowers.

Em said...

Congratulations on 200! I'm really glad you kept it going.

And where would I spend $20? Gee...I can think of lots of things. I can always spend money at a book store. It could go a long way towards a dinner out with my wife - once she is fully recovered. But at this moment, I think it would be on an iTunes gift card for my wife...cause she is getting an iPod for Mother's Day (shhhh!) and the gift card would go nicely with that.

Chris said...

Dang 200! I'm glad you didn't stop too. Your blog is "good times had by all"!

$20...I gotta be different...ummmm...I'd spend it on a big batch of Cheez Its. Everyone at work takes my cheez its! :) It's a good conversation piece. Everyone loves 'em.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan too! I look forward to the smile I get every M,W and F as I read your blog. Little Boy Blue could be second cousins with MY 10 year old boy ;)
I would use the $20.00 for shoes, or as a head start at Brighton.

Beth said...

I'm not leaving a comment in order to win a prize but to say congratulations on your 200th post and that I'm glad you didn't give up blogging.
As for a gift certificate? That's a no-brainer for me. Bookstore! (But if you draw my name out of a hat, pass the prize along to someone you know who really needs it.)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blog. Its always a relaxing read. If I was to win the $20, it would go towards a nice 12 pack of Sam Adams which I would promptly share with all the other contestants.

Jared and Katy said...

WOAH! You're my blog hero! So I would definatley go to Target!

Charlotte said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. I'm glad you haven't given up blogging - I always read your posts, even though I haven't been commenting much lately. Being the book fiend that I am, and stuck in Germany away from good English bookshops, I would spend $20 at Amazon!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! i would spend it at the CBE book store.

TUG said...

congrats . . . ummmm . . . or

bethanyr32 said...

Char, I'm so glad you didn't give up blogging. I miss coming home to all your funny little stories about your day.
Where would I spend $20? Probably at my favorite place in the world - Borders!

Robbie said...

200!! wow i have a long way to go to reach that. i would have to say i would use the $20 at party world to throw u the sickest party ever celbrating your 200th blog, and just for being awesome. keep up the writing. as u can tell we all love it.

Shankar said...

200? Already? Time sure goes by quickly when you're having fun...and reading your blog has been FUN. If I were to be given $20, I'd probably use it at or the iTunes Store. Under other circumstances, mama mia's fourth idea would be higher up on my list. However, if, by chance, my name does show up, send it to the top link here:

Melissa said...

Charlotte, you're awesome--200 blog posts! As predictable as this sounds, I'd go to Barnes and Noble. Who doesn't need more books? Especially me! Love you lots...and don't give up the blog. I love reading it, you're so clever.

Coordination Queen said...

Thank you for not quitting! I know I don't always comment, but I always read. You have provided a lot of entertainment. My favorite post of all was the one with you riding your bike mooing at the deer. I was seriously laughing so hard I started to cry. Anyway, congratulations on 200! I'd probably go to Target, but then again I always go there so maybe some place to eat like Panera... yummy.

Anna Winn and Family said...

I'm seriously impressed! My mom looked at your blog and thought your ID pic was a real picture of you. I guess she remembers you really well from BYU. Anywho - since I'm fat after I had Emmett and can't justify buying a pair of pants that I'll only wear for 3 months until I (hopefully) lose weight, I'd spend $20 on that!

Bone said...

Happy 200th, Charlotta.

I gotta go with the iTunes store. Daddy needs some Rick Springfield!

Wow. Let's not take that last sentence out of context.

Vivian Love said...

I love the new layout for your blog. Enter me in your little contest! I enjoy your blog very much. Congrats on your 200th post! (and thanks for visiting my blog from time to time too.)

Vivian, California

Amber said...

I would love a $20 giftcard to either Inoko or Agua Linda.... two restaurants that I love, but Bart doesn't. Then he'd have to take me because we'd have a giftcard. Currently, I can only get him to take me on my birthday.

Hey, we could forget about Bart and have a girl's night out on the town together. Then you'd be a winner also!

RED MOJO said...

Congratulations on your 200th blogiversary! You are talented and funny, and I enjoy your blog very much. If you stopped, it would bring sadness and despair across the land!
If had $20 of goodwill from you, I'd send it to Noah's Wish. They rescue pets in disasters, like Katrina.

Rhett said...

Wow you are popular in the blog world!

I would use the $20 gift card to buy a different gift card just to mess with the cashiers head.

One Crazy Chick! said...

200 is HUGE!

Found you via PW and because I love me some contests I feel compelled to enter:)

Hmmmm, with $20 I would buy a new protective lens for my DSLR because I dropped my camera and thankfully the only thing that broke was my protective lens I relunctantly put on when dh insisted!

As an added bonus come check out my contest!

Anonymous said...

I would use $20 to buy a lego set.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the big 2-0-0! I found you via PW as well.
Hmmmm, $20 ... thinking, thinking, thinking.
Alright, it's a no-brainer! I would spend it on my first-favorite-person to spend money on in the whole wide world (did that make any sense) - my best buddy, my 2.5-year-old daughter, Ainsley ( I would buy her some gummies (passing along my favorite childhood addiction) from any store: Wal-Mart, Safeway, etc.
Hawaii, USA

Lisa Johnson said...

Girl, you crack me up. I didn't know that you were thinking about stopping your blog! I'm so glad you didn't. You're the one that got me started on blogging. I didn't even know what one was until you sent me an email with your blog address at the bottom. Now, if I were to have a $20 gift certificate, I would for sure get one at Sam Moons. I love that place and could easily spend hundreds of dollars there on jewelry and purses and such. Hope everything is going well with y'all! LOVE YA!

Jumping Bean said...

Congratulations on your 200th post!
And they're always funny - which is worth a congrats in itself.
I'd add $5 to your $20, and give it to someone on

Unknown said...

200 posts??? I'm no where NEAR that much. nice job with staying consistent...I'd spend 20 bucks on shorts at Old Navy. I love that place.

Wallace Clan said...

200 wow that's a lot of blogs we haven't even hit 20 I think.

I would spend it on maternity clothes...

Charlotta-love said...

Thank you all for entering! Check back in the morning for a randomly selected winner. :o)

Mary Mitchell said...

shoot. I wanted twenty bucks. how did i miss this post?