Night school will put a damper on your social life. Not only have I neglected friends and family, I missed the final episodes of The Office, Lost, American Idol, and The Bachelor. While this doesn't bother me now, I was a reality show junkie several years ago. I learned business strategy with The Apprentice. I found courage to sing out loud with American Idol. I cringed during Fear Factor.

Journal Entry dated April 20, 2004
Yesterday I came home from work sick at 2:30. I feel asleep from 3-6:30. And this is how I know I am way too addicted to reality shows...The Bachelor especially. Since I was sick when I went to sleep, in my dream I was sick also. In my dream, I was a contestant on The Bachelor. I missed the rose ceremony because I was sick and couldn't get out of bed. When I woke up (in my dream), Jesse had placed a bouquet of roses by my door inviting me to stay for the next round.
Jesse, whatdaya say we give our love another go around. I finish school next Thursday. You free on Friday? I can even pretend to like football.
I remember when you were in love with Jesse! Didn't we have a picture of him up in the office? Your blog is so enjoyable to read - you are a great writer! So funny (and witty!). And yes, I have tried almond butter and I agree- it's great!
So you're wishing you were the girl in the Rick Springfield know the one he wishes he had.
OMG! I had to stop watching that show because I would swoon all season and my husband would gag for 6 weeks straight.
Redmojo, thanks now I have that song stuck in my head.
Meghan: now that I think back, we did have his picture up. lol
Mojo: I do wish I was Jesse's girl.
Kandace: Thankfully there was no husband/boyfriend to worry about on my end. I was a faithful fan. that song's stuck in my head!
Sadly - I think I have watched almost every season of the Bachelor. I LOVE that show. But the season with Jesse was the worst! Wasn't that the season finale where they filmed the girl who lost throwing up along the highway on her way to the rose ceremony? And THEN they set it up so Jesse gave the rose away to the first girl and she watched while he rejected the second girl?! That's bad. Bad season finale, AND bad that I remember all that.
Watch the Bachelorette - Monday nights (or Tuesday on the internet), it's great =).
I think when Jesse was on that show that was the one an only season I actually watched. He's a hottie!
I am so glad I've never been bitten by this brand of "reality". Well, except the season when Darren "The Dazzler" Gough won "Strictly Come Dancing" on the BBC. And it was constructive: I took to the dance floor that winter and wasn't too terrible at it.
Sarah: Good memory! I'm a little worried about your social life though...
Craze: and he's single again!
Shankar: They have a show for you now: So you think you can dance. You could show off all those dance moves!
I have to say it - your post made me think of the expression, "Wake up and smell the roses..."
(Hope Jesse is free next Friday!)
Ha! I'm sure he's planning on Friday night...make sure you don't forget breath mints! True confession: I voted for Joey Lawrence on Dancing with the Stars about 25 times!
i'm also going to night school...and missed my favorite shows for a couple months until we invested in DVR. it is by FAR the best monthly payment i make :) i highly recommend it!
Are you aware there are Bachelor marathons running all week on VH1 2? And can you guess what I've been watching all week?
He's a cutie! Isn't weird to have dreams like that...
Beth: I hope he's free too!
Melissa: LOL! you must be Joey Lawrence's #1 fan.
Kirie: I usually watch it online. Same difference.
Steph: Hmm...what have you been watching? I have a guess...
Katy: If he's in my dream, it's not weird. :o)
You need Tivo. End of chat.
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