Friday, April 20, 2007

Mensa Madness

Julia Gulia bought Little Boy Blue a children's trivia book for his birthday. The book is produced by Mensa - the High IQ Society that requires members to score in the top 2% of standard intelligence tests. Since it's a child's book, I thought I'd be able to answer a few questions, however, with each challenge I attempt, the more I realize I can't even be an adult version of a Mensa Child. *Sigh.

Last night I sat down with P2, Mama Mia, and Johnny-Cherie. Here is the question:

What letter comes next and why?

P2 got the letter right but not the reason. Mama Mia was on the right track but never verbalized her it doesn't count. Johnny-Cherie, Little Boy Blue, and I were all confused. Can YOU figure out the answer?


Saule Cogneur said...

My guess was "K", but my reason was wrong too.

Unknown said...

How is it possible to post on saturday the 21st, when it is FRIDAY the 20th??? ARE YOU SECRETLY IN ASIA???

I have no idea about the puzzle. I hated math problems like that in school.

Charlotta-love said...

I have now returned from Asia and fixed the posting date. Speaking of and I need to go get a horchata next week. I'll be in Utah for Dean's graduation. I'll call ya. :o)

I'm curious what your reasoning was.

Em said...

I'm going with "M"...just based on the pattern of skipped letters and then stated letters.

Charlotta-love said...

Em, Hint: although not the next letter, "M" would be included in the list.

Marvin L. Henry said...

I like B C D G J O P Q R S and U much better...let's just say they have something in common with girls...

Charlotta-love said...

mlh...I do believe you figured it out.

Marvin L. Henry said...

great! on to my next challenge...figuring you out...

I guess it's a certain sense of fearlessness about you that I's probably taken you years to develop...

...and there's probably little chance of me ever figuring it out and developing a similar quality this late in the stage of my life...

[greedy arrogance on] instead of developing the same trait myself, maybe I'll settle for the next best thing...YOU!

[greedy arrogance off]
...but all of us have special qualities and gifts...I'm thankful for what I do have, and I have faith that I CAN be blessed with more!

Unknown said...

J! OK, Now I'm going to look at the other answers. I hope I didn't make a mistake typing ...